The more I've been reading all of these articles about sustainability and the environment, the more self-aware I'm becoming about my own habits and how they have an impact on the environment. Every day is full of small choices that may seem insignificant, but over time they could have huge effects. Being more aware of everything that I do pushes me to overcome the laziness that sometimes keeps me from doing small things that are more sustainable.
It upsets me that most of what people hear about the environment and the current downward spiral we are in is negative. It feels like the destruction is happening at too fast a pace for any single change we make to help the planet. But people love trends, and if sustainable changes start to become trends, imagine how much we could help our planet. I will set myself the goal of inspiring some of my friends to make small changes with me. Drinking out of reusable cups, taking reusable shopping bags with me, and unplugging my power strips when I leave the room have quickly become second nature to me. If we can all try setting goals like these for ourselves, it won't feel like we are inconveniencing ourselves, it will just become the new way of doing things.
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